Famous gay men actots

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Luckily for us, this dreamy blue-eyed hunk plays for our team! Throughout his illustrious showbiz career, Neil Patrick Harris has taken on the roles of actor, writer, comedian, producer, director, host and even singer! With so much talent and charisma, Neil Patrick Harris is our pick for the number 8 spot on this list. Not only is Neil Patrick Harris hilarious, the man is chock full of talent. There are few things sexier than a good sense of humour and Neil Patrick Harris is certainly not lacking in that department. Although he is now almost 50 years old, Don Lemon still looks as sharp as ever! 8. An Emmy winning news anchor and journalist, this African-American dreamboat came out of the closet through his memoir ‘Transparent’, published in 2011. Number 9 on our list is the very handsome Don Lemon.

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Marc Jacobs Source: via Instagramįirst up on our list is none other than one of the most powerful gay men in the world, the very influential Marc Jacobs! With his handsome mug and muscular tattooed physique, the 52-year old fashion designer is the sugar daddy every gay boy wishes he had.

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here is our list of the top 10 sexiest openly gay male celebrities. Sorry to break it to you but the following 10 smoking hot men all play for the other team!įrom chart topping pop stars to award winning actors.

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